The Home of Beautiful Bluefaced Leicesters and Shetland Sheep

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Robert Burns Celebration

Bobby Burns is the National Poet of Scotland. I thought his birthday was a good reason to celebrate and get through January winds. Friends came wearing argyle, plaid, kilts and Shetland sweaters. We even had a bagpipe player accompanied by tenor drum. That blew a few shingles off this old house. Prior to the music, we should have warned Bill to turn off his new hearing aid. AAHHH He arose quickly from his chair when the pipes started. One dog barked along. I did not serve the traditional haggis but of course home grown lamb was served...shepherd's pie. Cockaleeky soup, and an assortment of Scottish desserts were also served. My scones were awful so I crumbled them up and turned them into a dessert called Edinburgh fog. Strangely enough, I found an unopened bottle of Drambouie that was a gift over 25 years ago. The cork disintegrated when opened but the cork bits were easily strained and it didn't affect taste when added to nice strong coffee. Did we invent "Scottish Coffee"?
There were tales of Scottish travels and Shetland sheep. Lots of fun on a cold January night. Google Robert Burns for some fun poetry in Scottish dialect. It will make you smile.


Ebonwald Cardigans said...

Oh Kathy that really does sound like fun!! I do hope you got photos of this great time!

My national is the last week in April. I'm not sure what dates I"m coming yet as I need to find someone to work for me while I'm gone as its really the busiest week for me of the entire year. bad planning on our breed club :)

I'm hoping to stay at least one night with you, and two entire days for sure. Are there days that work better for you during the week?

I'm still trying to figure out my schedule!

Unknown said...

We went to a Roburt Burns birthday celebration last year and had a blast but your menu sounds much tastier. Can't say I'm a fan of th haggis. What fun!