The show was Maryland Sheep and Wool revisited but the company was wonderful! Good thing Lisa Rodenfels and Anne Bisdorff and I don't live closer because I think we could get into a lot of trouble together. Our booth represented our breed beautifully. Go Bluefaced Leicester!
My ewe walked gracefully on her halter by Saturday show time. Allie and Madeline Fraley took her in the ring for me since they are experienced and I am not. Thank you girls for a job well done.The judge appeared to know little about the breed standards of BFL sheep but did the best he could. The competition ewe had more "spring in her ribs", whatever that means, so we got second place. Guess I'd better get more springy sheep before I show again. Sunday I had to take her into the sale ring myself but she walked like a true runway model and sold to a merino breeder in Ohio. My first experience with show ring sales and I'm still alive!!! Showing sheep is not something I enjoy doing but I did learn alot and actually had a good time. Darn Jared, I forgot to wear my turquoise cowboy boots with the jeans in the boots!!! Molly will post pictures tomorrow when we recover.
Thank you Mike Lilburn for planning the most wonderful dinner party. GREAT food and company. So nice to meet you and the Densmores.
Molly and I will be off to Oregon for the Black Sheep Gathering in 2 weeks. No sheep to show there......I hope.