The Home of Beautiful Bluefaced Leicesters and Shetland Sheep

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Thursday, May 17, 2012


My least favorite part of lambing.....taking the babies away from moms.


Somerhill said...

When do you wean? We usually wait until close to 3 months - so it won't be until end of June, beginning of July for us. We've found otherwise mamas still have so much milk production. Of course, it depends on grass production and parasite loads, et., too.

Potosi Sheep Farm said...

I have weaned earlier than usual this year due to Wooster and warm weather.I like to wean before it gets too warm and stressful. 10 weeks is usually about weaning time here. Some of these guys are only 8 weeks right now. I noticed the moms kicking them away and they are not crying so I guess they were ready. It's been relatively quiet.

Potosi Sheep Farm said...

I have weaned earlier than usual this year due to Wooster and warm weather.I like to wean before it gets too warm and stressful. 10 weeks is usually about weaning time here. Some of these guys are only 8 weeks right now. I noticed the moms kicking them away and they are not crying so I guess they were ready. It's been relatively quiet.

Tari said...

We weaned when I got back from Wooster. It's finally quieted down.Too bad we didn't get this weather last weekend. We've got snap peas and new potatoes ready. Hey, where is that baget recipe I've got french cheese to eat and red rasberries.