The Home of Beautiful Bluefaced Leicesters and Shetland Sheep

Come visit us in southern Pennsylvania.


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Time is Flying

Haven't posted in soo long. Bill continues chemo and gets weaker by the day. Thankfully we have AC this year so at least the first floor is cool for him.

Molly and Tim both have new homes. I am loving helping them get settled but in the meantime my house is chaos with boxes and furniture waiting to be moved piled everywhere.

I have decided to give up my fiber business and reduce my flock. I will still be at Rhinebeck in October but 2011 was my last year at MD. I've lived with that decision since May and it feels right. 25 years of teaching and 25 years of wool festivals. Looks like a pattern. Maybe now I will have time to spin and knit again.

Anyone interested in Shetland or Bluefaced Leicester stock please contact me.


Becky Utecht said...

Wow Kathy, 25 years of teaching and 25 years of wools festivals! You are amazing. Glad you've got AC now, this summer has been so hot and humid! I hope that the chemo is helping Bill. Best of luck with your flock reduction.

Marianne said...

I don't know you and Bill but I send my, and my small flock of long wools, all the prayers we can for Bill's recovery. My husband and I have 2 very ill parents, one with cancer, and with my own health issues, we are flock reducing too. I have only been living my sheep dream for 3 years so it is very sad for me. I am glad your decision feels right and your "what's next" sounds terrific. All the very best, Marianne