The Home of Beautiful Bluefaced Leicesters and Shetland Sheep

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

29 Lambs

The lambs are coming slowly but I couldn't be happier with how they look. 7 natural colored ewe lambs. I really looks funny to see so many dark sheep running in the lamb races at night. They charge in a line through the barnyard, out around the tree in the pasture then run back to check in with mom. Watching them never gets old. Molly and I watched for a long time the other night just laughing. It's good to have her home to help me.


Carol said...

29! Oh boy! That'll keep ya busy! Congrats!

Marianne said...

29 more than we have..anyday for our ewes. Love the colored BFLs. Wish we were closer (we're in Oregon) so we could add some of yours to our small flock.
Hope the rest of the lambing goes well.

Grace said...

Lamb watching is so fun!!

Becky Utecht said...

Wow, 29 lambs already! Congratulations! And what's that green stuff in the lamb race photo? Do you have grass starting to grow already too?

Somerhill said...

Love the lamb races! Its so funny when they all stop and stand, panting, then someone leaps straight in the air, and off they go again!