The Home of Beautiful Bluefaced Leicesters and Shetland Sheep

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thanks For Waiting For Daylight

A new set of Bluefaced Leicester ewe lambs born at noon today in the sunshine! Thank you momma! She'll get extra grain for that daylight delivery.


Somerhill said...

Pretty girls. Lucky you, so many natural colored!

Grace said...

How many lambs are you up too now?? I'm happy they are all doing well.

Somerhill said...

Just looked again - are those lambs really brown?

Potosi Sheep Farm said...

22 lambs so far. Those 2 ewe lambs are really dark. At first I thought they were both solid black but now I see white hairs on the face of one. I am getting a lot of naturals this year.Females too. Very unusual.

malamalama said...

Guess that shearing session opened the floodgates of the very best kind. Glad they're being such fine mommas. Sweet, sweet babies. Congratulations!