The Home of Beautiful Bluefaced Leicesters and Shetland Sheep

Come visit us in southern Pennsylvania.


Monday, January 31, 2011


Madeline (yes, all my sheep have names) my oldest ewe began our 2011 lambing season with her first set of triplets out of a BFL ram. It's so great to go out and find a ewe with lambs all cleaned off, nursing and content in spite of a temperature of 3 degrees. I love not being needed.


Grace said...


Somerhill said...

Look at those little cuties!

Kelly said...

What a great start to the lambing season! Congrats on your trio.

Becky Utecht said...

Wow, I'd say Madeline did a super job! Congratulations on healthy triplets.

Carol said...

Lovely, just lovely!