The Home of Beautiful Bluefaced Leicesters and Shetland Sheep

Come visit us in southern Pennsylvania.


Monday, April 19, 2010

Got My Ticket

After MD Sheep and Wool I'm flying to Utah to drive home with Molly for the summer. I am so excited that she will be home for a few months. Our trip will be our usual sucession of off beat stops like the World's largest ball of stamps, the Pony express museum (seen in less than 15 minutes),the wagon train ruts,and maybe a Lewis and Clark intrepretation center or two. Molly has endured most of these centers with me altho she is not into the Corps of Discovery like I am. Tim gave me a book that lists all the stops the Corps made from St. Lewis to the Pacific. Carried on every trip west, it has become my bible. Well, Molly, the good news is, I can't find it!!!! Never fear tho....I know the stops I've missed on the trail. And of course we HAVE to stop in Lincoln, NE for a prime rib dinner. MMM the best beef in the whole US. (Hopefully someone will read this and be offened and provide another stop where they feel the beef is better. I'm always in search of the best steak.) If we are lucky,Tim will join us for our cross country drive, his first road trip with us. For the first time I am wishing MD Sheep and Wool was over so we could be together on the road. Stop wishing your life away, Kathy.


Jared Lloyd said...

Well, if you feel inclined to travel I70 instead of I80, swing by here for a visit!

Potosi Sheep Farm said...

Jared, we were thinking about it! We would love to visit. I'll call and let you know our route. Tim is coming with us. It will be a fun road trip. Thank you for the invitation.

Unknown said...

You may already be there, but I will stop and chat with you at the MDSW.

Potosi Sheep Farm said...

Hi Cate. I won't be there til Friday. See you then. Remember...I'm in Vendors north now.