The Home of Beautiful Bluefaced Leicesters and Shetland Sheep

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rhinebeck Rovings

Biltmore wool Barn delivered so many bags of my roving to Rhinebeck that I thought I'd have a lot left for winter shows. I was wrong! Here are 5 colors that are left. I'll have to start dying wool tomorrow and have more roving made.

Amount remaining
#9 12 oz.
#10 2 pounds
#11 12 oz.
#12 7 oz.
#13 10 0z.


Somerhill said...

My BFL yarn dyed in blue/green/lilac has been selling the best, too. These must be the new "hot" colors.

Unknown said...

Feel free to make me something out of #9.

Loomlady said...

Doesn't Biltmore do a fantastic job? They are such wonderful people to work with too. Love your stuff Kathy....animals too!!
Finoula sends her love......