The Home of Beautiful Bluefaced Leicesters and Shetland Sheep

Come visit us in southern Pennsylvania.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Andrea Minicozzi came to visit today and took home G25, in the picture with Samantha my best farm helper. It was great to find a home for him since he has one of those "touch it once and you love it fleeces." I hope he does a great job breeding her Black welsh ewes. From what she tells me, he was ready to work as soon as she put him in the barn.
Unfortunately, Andrea and her friend could not stay for a visit. I felt like I did when Garrett, Rayna and Becky and I got together at Becky's home last year and I had to leave too soon to get back for my sister-in-law's wonderful dinner. Sometimes you just want to sit and talk sheep! It's an obsession. Life is so much better if you have a passion and share it with others who also have the same interest. What a great way to learn.
Andrea and I will get together again soon AND I will drive to MN again for a longer visit. That's a threat Garrett and Becky. I want to visit with LeeAnne too.

1 comment:

Ebonwald Cardigans said...

oh its on! Bring it!! :)

I hope you can figure in enough time to drive and come see ME and MY farm and all the lovely shetlands and BFLs :) Hopefully by then I"ll have some lambs you can critique for me too!

Sheep talk is so precious....I wish there could be so more!

Plus you ROCK and are such a pleasure to chat with and pick your brain :)